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Air gap installation

This guide will show you how to install Kubewarden in air-gapped environments. In an air-gapped installation of Kubewarden, you will need a private OCI registry accessible by your Kubernetes cluster. Kubewarden Policies are WebAssembly modules; therefore, they can be stored inside an OCI-compliant registry as OCI artifacts. You need to add Kubewarden's images and policies to this OCI registry. Let's see how to do that.

Save container images in your workstation​

  1. Download kubewarden-images.txt from the Kubewarden release page. Alternatively, the imagelist.txt and policylist.txt files are shipped inside the helm charts containing the used container images and policy wasm modules, respectively.

Optionally, you can verify the signatures of the helm charts and container images

  1. Add cert-manager if it is not available in your private registry.
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
helm pull jetstack/cert-manager
helm template ./cert-manager-<Version>.tgz | \
awk '$1 ~ /image:/ {print $2}' | sed s/\"//g >> ./kubewarden-images.txt
  1. Download and from the utils repository.
  2. Save Kubewarden container images into a .tar.gz file:
./ \
--image-list ./kubewarden-images.txt \
--images kubewarden-images.tar.gz

Docker begins pulling the images used for an air gap install. Be patient. This process takes a few minutes. When the process completes, your current directory will output a tarball named kubewarden-images.tar.gz. It will be present in the same directory where you executed the command.

Save policies in your workstation​

  1. Add all the policies you want to use in a policies.txt file. A file with a list of the default policies can be found in the Kubewarden defaults release page
  2. Download and from the kwctl repository
  3. Save policies into a .tar.gz file:
./ --policies-list policies.txt

kwctl downloads all the policies and stores them as kubewarden-policies.tar.gz archive.

Helm charts​

You need to download the following helm charts in your workstation:

helm pull kubewarden/kubewarden-crds
helm pull kubewarden/kubewarden-controller
helm pull kubewarden/kubewarden-defaults

Download cert-manager if it is not installed in the air gap cluster.

helm pull jetstack/cert-manager

Populate private registry​

Move kubewarden-policies.tar.gz, kubewarden-images.tar.gz,, and policies.txt to the air gap environment.

  1. Load Kubewarden images into the private registry. Docker client must be authenticated against the local registry
./ \
--image-list ./kubewarden-images.txt \
--images kubewarden-images.tar.gz \
  1. Load Kubewarden policies into the private registry. Kwctl must be authenticated against the local registry (kwctl uses the same mechanism to authenticate as docker, a ~/.docker/config.json file)
./ \
--policies-list policies.txt \
--policies kubewarden-policies.tar.gz \
--sources-path sources.yml

The sources.yaml file is needed by kwctl to connect to registries that fall into these categories:

  • Authentication is required
  • Self signed certificate is being used
  • No TLS termination is done

Please refer to the section on custom certificate authorities in our documentation to learn more about configuring the sources.yaml file

Install Kubewarden​

Let's install Kubewarden now that we have everything we need in our private registry. The only difference with a normal Kubewarden installation is that we need to change the registry in the container images and policies to our private registry.

Install cert-manager if it is not already installed in the air gap cluster:

helm install --create-namespace cert-manager ./cert-manager-<Version>.tgz \
-n kubewarden \
--set installCRDs=true \
--set image.repository=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/jetstack/cert-manager-controller \
--set webhook.image.repository=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/jetstack/cert-manager-webhook \
--set cainjector.image.repository=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/jetstack/cert-manager-cainjector \
--set startupapicheck.image.repository=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/jetstack/cert-manager-ctl

Let's install the Kubewarden stack:

helm install --wait -n kubewarden \
kubewarden-crds kubewarden-crds.tgz
helm install --wait -n kubewarden \
kubewarden-controller kubewarden-controller.tgz \
--set global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>

If you want to use the Policy Reported subchart available in the kubewarden-controller chart you need to define other values specific for the subchart in an air-gapped environment. See an example below:

helm install --wait -n kubewarden kubewarden-controller kubewarden-controller.tgz \
--set global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT> \
--set auditScanner.policyReporter=true \
--set policy-reporter.image.registry=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT> \
--set policy-reporter.ui.image.registry=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT> \
--set policy-reporter.image.repository=kyverno/policy-reporter \
--set policy-reporter.ui.image.repository=kyverno/policy-reporter-ui

Note that is necessary to define auditScanner.policyReporter to enable the subchart and 4 more additional values to configure the registry and repository where the Policy Reporter images are stored. For more information about the policy report subchart values take a look in chart repository.

helm install --wait -n kubewarden \
kubewarden-defaults kubewarden-defaults.tgz \
--set global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>

To download the recommended policies installed by the kubewarden-defaults Helm Chart from a registry other than global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry, you can utilize the recommendedPolicies.defaultPoliciesRegistry configuration. This configuration allows users to specify a registry dedicated to pulling the OCI artifacts of the policies. It is particularly useful when their container image repository does not support OCI artifacts.

To install and wait for the installation to complete, use the following command:

helm install --wait -n kubewarden \
kubewarden-defaults kubewarden-defaults.tgz \
--set global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT> \
--set recommendedPolicies.defaultPoliciesRegistry=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>

If the recommendedPolicies.defaultPoliciesRegistry configuration is not set, the global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry will be used as the default registry.

Finally, we need to configure Policy Server to fetch policies from our private registry. See the using private registry section of the docs.

Now we can create Kubewarden policies in our cluster! Policies must be available in your private registry.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: ClusterAdmissionPolicy
name: privileged-pods
module: registry://<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/kubewarden/policies/pod-privileged:v0.2.2
- apiGroups: [""]
apiVersions: ["v1"]
resources: ["pods"]
mutating: false

PolicyServer resources must use the image available in your private registry. For example:

kind: PolicyServer
name: reserved-instance-for-tenant-a
image: <REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/kubewarden/policy-server:v1.3.0
replicas: 2
serviceAccountName: sa